The special reports covering the space shuttle Challenger explosion from CBS, ABC, and NBC as they aired on the afternoon of January 28, 1986, plus a brief ABC Nightline follow-up report on July 28, 1986. This footage is from a VHS tape about to be tossed in the trash in 2022, but at the last second it was decided to digitize and upload the footage for posterity. Although the footage is in excellent condition considering it was recorded on a home VCR decades ago, some poor antenna reception can be seen occasionally, mostly during some of the CBS segments.
I do not own any of the copyrights in this video.
Highlights and those appearing in the segments:
0:00:00 - CBS - Dan Rather
0:11:30 - ABC - Peter Jennings, Lynn Sherr
0:16:26 - NASA press conference with Jesse W. Moore, Associate Administrator Office of Space Flights
0:36:38 - ABC - Peter Jennings, Gene Cernan, Lynn Sherr
0:46:57 - President Ronald Reagan's speech
0:51:20 - ABC - Peter Jennings
0:52:51 - CBS - Dan Rather
0:58:16 - NBC - Tom Brokaw, Robert Bazell, John Palmer
1:06:40 - ABC - Peter Jennings, Jake Garn, Lynn Sherr, Gene Cernan, John McWethy, James Michener
1:36:10 - ABC News Nightline - Charles Gibson, Gene Cernan
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