Just finished starring at my 125 gallon African cichlid tank, and I came to the conclusion that I have a very special tank. I have Mbuna, peacock and haps of all sizes living together with no problems (besides everyday cichlid aggression)! How did I do it? Why did I do it? When did I do it? Why am I asking these Questions....find out in the video:)
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Mbuna, Hap and Peacock Cichlids Together
cichlidsplanted tankafrican cichlid tankmbuna tankpeacock cichlid tankmbuna hap and peacock tankmixed african cichlid tankvenustus cichlidbumble bee cichlidhaplichromis cichlidCichlid (Organism Classification)mbunazebra cichlidred top cobalt cichlidclown loachhow to keep african cichlidsblue ahli cichlidob peacock cihclidAulonocara (Organism Classification)malawi cichlidsamerican cichlidsafrican cichlid aggression