Trying to install FreeDOS on the 86Box emulator, it turned out impossible in some cases: after "installation", the harddisk contained merely binary zeroes, but no operating system. At first, I suspected 86Box... but after filing a bug report, I was told it is FreeDOS that assumes BIOS functionality that is missing. If true, that would raise questions on the feasibility of installing FreeDOS on some "real, physical" computers as well.
FreeDOS bug on 86Box emulator
FreeDOSfree dosdos librelibre doslibredosms-dosmsdosms dosdrdosdr dosdos86box80868086 box86 box86box emulator86 box emulator8086 emulatorvirtual machinedos virtual machinevirtual machine running dosdos installinstallayiondos installationms-dos installationfreedos installfreedos installationinstall freedosinstalling freedosbugerrorfailuredefectissueproblemproblemsfailfailshexhex editordiskhard diskharddiskbios