Harrison (Dean Winters) is a struggling freelance writer who becomes the unwilling babysitter of a precocious little six-year-old girl, Jenny (Emily Mae Young), when her mother, Melissa (Lorraine Ansell), one of Harrison's former girlfriends whom he hasn't seen in some time, asks him to babysit because Melissa needs to be out of town for several weeks.
Harrison is originally unenthusiastic about the arrangement, but soon he develops a tenderness for Jenny. Little Jenny decides that Harrison needs a steady girlfriend and plays matchmaker for Harrison and Holly (Yasmine Bleeth), a beautiful woman who frequently visits the same coffee shop as Harrison and Jenny..
Harrison later writes stories for Jenny about Mr. Dodo—her favorite stuffed animal. Jenny secretly gets Holly to transcribe the books, and they submit them to his publisher. Eventually, Harrison discovers that he is Jenny's father. Finally, near the end, Harrison tries to get custody of Jenny because of Jenny's uncaring mother.
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