In this episode of Season of Screams, The Screams Continue, we feature the complete raw interview of Mr. Gene Witham. Gene was a Street Performer / Stuntman at Knott's back in the early 1970's.
When the very first Knott's Scary Farm's Halloween Haunt came about, Gene was tasked to head up the first Halloween Haunt makeup department. Himself along with his wife and one other person made up 37 people in prosthetic appliances, some from the first Planet of The Apes movie.
Gene got his start as one of the 22 special effects makeup artists on the 1968 movie, Planet Of The Apes!
Season of Screams, The Screams Continue Episode 3
Season of Screams Documentaryseason of screamsThe Screams Continueknotts scary farm halloween haunthalloween haunthauntknotts scary farmscary farmknotts berry farmghost townknottsmazes and monstersscare zonesthe hangingsinister seymour fright nightwolfman jackcalico mine ride knotts berry farmmazesorigins curse of calicoslidersTimber mountain log rideHaunted Media DVDEffects Makeupplanet of the apes 1968Halloween Makeup