CAR FREE DAY, CAR FREE DAY, hari bebas kendaraan bermotor, setiap hari minggu pukul 06 sampai 10 pagi ( kecuali hari besar ). Udara bersih segar di pagi hari. Car Free Day Dago, disana kita bisa menghirup udara segar sambil berolah raga di tengah kota yang padat dan polusi. Apalagi disana ada banyak pohon nya, banyak pohon banyak oksigen. Sambil bermain kita bisa menghirup udara segar dan bersih. Buang lah sampah pada tempat nya. Kita jadi sehat bersih rapih. Bandung Go Green, Clean & Blue sky. Bersih bersih bebas sampah, udara segar, langit biru , itulah semboyan nya.
CAR FREE DAY DAGO BANDUNG is the routine activity on every Sunday morning from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.. It is a Bandung City Government Program in partnership with Traffic Police.
During the activity the street is temporarily closed to motorized vehicles such as cars and motorcycles. Therefore people can enjoy it with their own activity, such as sport, jogging, cycling etc. This is to remind people the importance of fighting against "Global Warming and Climate Change" threat with efforts such as planting trees, conserving fossil fuels use etc.
Car Free Day Dago, Bandung West Java Indonesia, overview
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