I recently purchased and extensively used the SV48P (achromat) refractor telescope from SVBony. In this video are images and comments about its performance for visual astronomy in the daytime and night, and prime-focus astrophotography of star clusters and nebulae and the moon. Due to the seasonal timing, no evaluation was possible for planetary imaging. Specification comparisons are made to the Orion Short Tube 80 (ST80) design and the SV503 80ED telescope (also) from SVBony.
04:14. Comparison of SV48P and SV503 80ED telescopes
05:20. Comparison of the SV48P & SV503 80ED focusers
06:30. Field rotator on the SV48P
08:45. Specifications of the SV48P versus the ST80 & 80ED telescopes
10:34. Visual Astronomy equipment; field use set-up
13:04. Day-time images with the SV48P
15:40. Prime-focus astrophotography with the SV48P
16:32. Open star-cluster images with the SV48P
18:52. Rosette Nebula (prime-focus imaging)
22:40. Orion Nebula (prime-focus imaging)
23:00. Night-time visual observations of Star clusters (with eyepiece)
25:23. Night-time visual observation of the Moon (with eyepiece)
27:25. Prime-focus imaging of the Moon
28:24. Final words
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