Webber man, Webber man, does whatever a Webber can. Can he pack 67 spiders in his pants? Yes he can because he's Webber man. Look out here's comes Webber man.
Aw yiss, Webber Reworked in Don't Starve Together!
Oh, also thank you Mcnugget for helping me out to make this video. Would not have been possible without ye.
My twitter account (I post dumb thoughts here) :[ Ссылка ]
Patreon link: [ Ссылка ] (Thank you Sorin!)
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Apparently I also have a reddit page!: [ Ссылка ]
Webber Rework in a Nutshell
dont starvedont starve togetherdont starve spiderdont starve together webberwebber reworkdst wbber reworkdst webberdst james bucketdont starve james bucketdont starve together james bucketjames bucketdont starve webber reworkdont starve together spiderprozdprozd spiderbrimming cup of spiderspiderprozd skitsdont starve fooddont starve together food