Mitch Gallagher presents the Vox VT20X combo amp. When Vox was designing the VT20X, they didn't just model the sound of guitar amplifiers, they employed VET (Virtual Elements Technology) to analyze each amp down to the component level. The result is a true-to-life reproduction of each model's characteristics. A Valvetronix preamp incorporates a multi-stage tube amplification circuit to provide you with the distinctive distortion, response, and tonal characteristics of a classic tube amplifier. The VT20X's power amp stage combines a unique analog circuit with a high-performance digital power amp to duplicate the tonal differences between class A and AB, the effect of bias values on tone, and the changes in dynamic response of tubes.
Sweetwater's Guitars and Gear, Vol. 148
Vox VT20X 1x8" Combo Amp Review by Sweetwater
SweetwaterSweetwater SoundMusic ProductionAudio RecordingFort Wayne Indianaitemid:vt20xcat:guitarman:voxvox amp20 wattvalvetronixvt20xmodeling ampGuitars and Gearvox vt20xvox valvetronixvox valvetronix vt20xvox vt20vox vt40xvox vtxvox vt20x reviewvox valvetronix vt20+vox modeling ampvox vtvox vt20+vox ampsvox vt100xvoxvox vt 20vox amplifiersvox vtx 20