#friends #friendship
Did you know Lisa Kudrow’s real-life pregnancy was written into the Friends TV series? 📺🤰 Watch as the Friends cast talks about rewatching the iconic episodes, including the hilarious bloopers and behind-the-scenes moments that made us all fall in love with Phoebe’s unique journey! From the funniest Friends bloopers to the Friends reunion special, we’re diving deep into how Lisa’s pregnancy turned into one of the show’s best storylines. Get a glimpse of the Friends cast watching bloopers and reminiscing about their time on set. Whether you’re a fan of the Friends finale, the Friends HBO Max special, or just love a good Friends rewatch, this video has something for everyone. Don’t miss the best Friends blooper of every season and much more!
#Friends #FriendsBloopers #FriendsReunion #FriendsBehindTheScenes #FriendsBestOf #FriendsCast #FriendsTVShow #FriendsSeries #FriendsFinale #FriendsHBOmax
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Phoebe’s Triplet
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