The Sturgeon Full Moon In Aquarius on August 19, 2024 is a Supermoon and a Blue Moon. This 15 minute meditation guides you on a spiritual journey to connect with the lunar energy above while relaxing your body and mind. This practice tells you everything you need to know about the Super moon, including the spiritual meaning and how to utilize its energy to benefit your life.
Look up into the evening sky and see the full moon appearing larger than usual. A blue moon also only occurs every two to three years, making this energy surrounding us even more powerful!
The Aquarius Full Moon has a great spiritual meaning, and this meditation meditation helps you use the energy on August 19, 2024.
Are you ready?
Full Moons in astrology are typically a time of completion and reflection – a time when we reap the consequences of what we started six or so months ago.
Aquarius is a radical zodiac sign, an Air Sign which is always pushing the boundaries and invariably challenging the status quo. An Aquarius Full Moon is an astrological opportunity to reflect on how you’ve made a difference in the world. Whatever work you’ve done to try to further equality, fairness, justice or respect for the environment, however small, has been gratefully received by the cosmos and during the Full Moon period you should notice that a slight shift has occurred – thanks to your actions.
While it’s true that one person alone cannot change the world, the Aquarius Full Moon is a valuable reminder that every single person can, and does, have a part to play in collective change.
On a more personal level, the Aquarius Full Moon is energy which encourages radical change in our own lives. This Moon’s energy brings acceptance of the need for change, and the strength and maturity to carry it out.
In astrology, Full Moons also challenge us to deal with the shadow aspects of the sign opposite to the Full Moon. In this case, the Aquarius Full Moon brings out the shadow elements of Leo – a zodiac sign which can suffer from ego issues, selfishness and attention seeking. During this Moon, look at your own recent behavior. If you’ve been too demanding or too focused on yourself, now is the time to recognize that and to resolve to change it.
How to Perform a Full Moon Ritual: A Step-by-Step Guide
The full moon is more than just a beautiful sight in the night sky. Many believe it's a powerful time for reflection, release, and manifestation. Spiritually, a full moon is seen as a pinnacle of energy, illuminating our inner desires and feelings. This period can affect people differently, often intensifying emotions and energy levels. It's a perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you and set intentions for the future.
Once you’re prepared, you can begin your full moon ritual. The best time is on the night of the full moon, but you can also perform rituals 3 days before or after the full moon.
Begin by cleansing yourself and your environment. This can be done by lighting sage or palo santo, allowing the smoke to purify the space and your aura.
Find a comfortable position to meditate. Focus on your breath and allow your thoughts to settle. Reflect on what you wish to release with this full moon. Ask yourself, "What should I let go of?"
After meditation, take a journal and write down your intentions for the coming lunar cycle. Be as specific as possible, focusing on what genuinely matters to you and what you wish to attract or achieve.
I love recommending you engage in a symbolic act of release. This could involve lighting a candle, speaking out loud of the things you're ready to let go of, and blowing the candle out.
Conclude your ritual with a moment of gratitude. Thank the moon and the universe for their guidance and the energy they provide.
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Meditation written and read by Nikki Dyer
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August 2024 Full Moon GUIDED MEDITATION 🌕
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