Digital Service Leaflets:
The Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
8000 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118 | 215.247.7466
Serving Today
Celebrant: The Rev. Luke Selles
Priest: The Rev. Laura Palmer
Deacon: The Rev. Carol Duncan
Director of Music and Arts: Tyrone Whiting
Section Leaders: Gillian Booth, Marisa Miller, Aaron Scarberry, Michael Miller
Guest Ensemble (Prelude): Sam, Lucy, and Lily Martin
Guest Pianist (Communion): R. Francis Martin
Children’s Choir Choristers Leader: Brooke Witherite
Children, Youth, & Families Music Leader: Julia Finegan
Pageant Leaders: Angel Wentz and Justina Barrett
Pageant Performers: Sam Martin, Lucy Martin, Stella Snyder, Seguin Couch, Eleanor Sponsler,
Eugenie Adams, Birdie Adams, Arthur Reid, Elliot Ferguson, Irena Sponsler, Birdie Adams,
Arthur Reid, Jamie Johnson, Phoebe Reid, Emerson Ferguson, Lydia Sponsler, Mark Palmer,
Chester Adams, Hannah Janetta
Lectors: Eugenie Adams and Chester Adams
Chalice Bearers: Barbara Dundon and Nikki Wood
Ushers: Joe Harmar, Barbara Thomson and Faith Watson
Intercessors: Sam and Kelly Martin
Crucifer: Luca Capecchi
Altar Guild Chair: Mary Baumberger
Flower Designer: Kim Kopple
Flower Guild Chair: Annette Lareau
Permission to reprint, podcast and/or stream music in this service obtained from
One License with license #A-701187
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