Fischer’s Power-Fast II, the chipboard screw is known for its fast & flexible applications. Its unique geometry combines the highest technical know-how with excellent design. It helps to connect the metal parts to wood. Along with its three ribs on the top and increased thread pitch helps in reducing the installation time. Fischer’s Power-Fast II, an economical solution for a wide range of applications.
-Useful in load-bearing wooden construction.
-Used for connection of Wooden Parts & metal parts to the wood.
-Flexible applications with recommended loads in Fischer plugs.
-The screw geometry of the product enables fast applications making the installation process easier, comfortable and flexible.
-It has reduced the splitting behaviour in comparison to the standard chipboard screws.
-Power Fast II when used with high-performance wax coating reduces screw-in torque, allowing smooth installation.
-Since the passivated zinc coating does not contain chrome VI, it makes it environmentally friendly.
-With the new recess sizes, the number of bit changes has been reduced in the range from D3-D6 to only 2 changes(D3,0 - D3,5 & D5,0 - D6,0).
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