We filmed, edited, and added audio during Covid, so the trailer barely has any actors, but we thought your imagination and non human imagery would do. Took is a horror story about a family relocating to an area haunted by an evil being who steals children. Mary Downing Hahn wrote it. She has won many awards for her mysteries and horror writing, some titles have even been made into full length movies!
2022 UPDATE: Scholastic made a graphic novel version, by Scott Peterson!
#Took #MaryDowningHahn #HorrorTrailers
Took: a ghost story Book Trailer
Book TrailersReadingBooksFilm ClubBook Trailer Tuesday ClubBTTBTTCTook a ghost storyMary Downing HahnTook Booktook book trailertook by mary downing hahn book trailertook by mary downing hahnold auntie and bloody bonesbook trailers for middle school 2020book trailers for middle schoolbook trailers made by middle school studentsbook trailerbook trailer videobook trailers for middle schoolersmary downing hahn books