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An introduction to the features of the Advanced Uninstaller Android App
An app uninstaller with various advanced features. Two separate modes for uninstallation, Single Mode for fast uninstallation with a single click and a multiple uninstallation mode for multiple apps. To uninstall multiple Apps you can select the apps and then click on the uninstall button. Also you can move apps from phone to SD card directly from the app uninstaller(if apps are movable).
→ An intuitive and easy to use UI.
→ Search apps by name.
→ Fast uninstall by Single click in single mode.
→ Multiple (batch) uninstallation mode to uninstall more than one app.
→ Move apps from phone to SD card.
→ Sort by name, date and size (ascending and descending both).
→ App details like Name, Size, Date and Version displayed in the application list.
→ Status icon at the end of app name to show whether app is on SD card, phone or movable to SD card.
→ Notification bar icon for quick access.
→ Info bar to show memory info (phone and SD card) and number of apps
→ Auto start on reboot.
→ Caching for fast access.
→ Long press menu (context menu) Features:
- Open app directly
- Application details
- Uninstall app even in Multiple Mode
- Details in the Google Market.
- Share application with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, GMail, etc.
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