The electronic circuits in computers, our solid state drives and controlling devices are made up of thousands of tiny logic gates. Logic gates take binary inputs and produce a binary output. Several logic gates combined together form a logic circuit and these circuits are designed to carry out a specific function. The checking of the output from a logic gate or logic circuit is done using a truth table.
This series of videos considers the function and role of logic gates, logic
circuits and truth tables.
#logic #IGCSE #booleanexpression #truthtable #cambridge #computerscience
My channel primarily looks at the Computer Science across the Key Stages of the British and International Curriculum. I have also included a series of videos which cover each topic from the Syllabus for the 2023-2025 Cambridge IGCSE. There are also examples of how to best answers exam questions from both papers 1 and 2 of the iGCSE.
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IGCSE Computer Science 2023-25 - Topic 7: Video 4 - TEST DATA and TRACE TABLES - [ Ссылка ]
VIDEO to support Computer Science Syllabus
Cambridge IGCSE™ (9–1 0984) (A*-C 0478)
For exams in 2023, 2024 and 2025.
Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science helps learners develop an interest in computational thinking and an understanding of the principles of problem-solving using computers. They apply this understanding to create computer-based solutions to problems using algorithms and a high-level programming language. Learners also develop a range of technical skills, and the ability to effectively test and evaluate computing solutions.
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