Filmed on 30/03/2021. With the sun beaming down on a lovely hot sunny day, we continue on our adventures along along the York area. The next stop is at is what best described as a unstaffed station but is very popular for all trainspotters especially as the unexpected can happen. Welcome back to Church Fenton (Season 8 Episode 3)
Should start to explain that Northern services between York and Hull are running irregular times at the moment. These services normally runs hourly but there can be sometimes a bit of a time gap between these services.
With services which are currently running at roughly 85%, it wasn't a full timetable but plenty of freight & light loco movements as shown. There was a freight that was due but was running very late and will be seen in the next video. Luckily, the overhead lines hasn't reached Church Fenton but think it will be wise for those to make use of Church Fenton as times are moving on.
During an hour at Church Fenton, this is the variety that was seen:
Transpennine Express Nova 1 Class 802
Transpennine Express Class 185
Cross Country Trains Class 220
Cross Country Trains Class 221
Freightliner UK Class 66
Northern Trains Limited Class 155
Northern Trains Limited Class 156
Northern Trains Limited Class 195
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Trains at Church Fenton - 30/03/2021
trains at church fentonfreightliner class 66transpennine express class 185class 185 at speedtrainspotting ukricky nowis 2021transpennine express nova 1transpennine express class 802church fenton stationecml 2021uk trains at speed 2021uk rail scenericky nowisnorthern class 155northern class 156northern class 195caf class 195caf trainscross country class 220cross country class 221class 221 at speedecml trainsecml trains at speed