Layers of soft and fluffy steamed dough with gooey salted egg yolk custard in between. This dessert is a dim sum icon, but not many places have it anymore. Sad.
0:00 Intro
0:18 Part 1: Cake
1:32 Part 2: Filling
2:45 Part 3: Assembly
5:26 Finale
This recipe makes one big cake with 12 pieces.
500g Pastry Flour
50g Sugar
250ml Milk
5g Instant Yeast
5g Baking Powder
1tsp Lard
4 Salted Egg Yolks
120g Milk Powder
80g Custard Powder
80g Sugar
100g Pork Fat
20g Unsalted Butter
1/2tsp Salt
1. Heat up the milk, enough to melt the sugar. Set aside and let it cool.
2. To bloom the yeast, add 1/2tsp of sugar and use the warm sugar milk to bloom it.
3. Sift flour and baking powder together then place it into a mixing bowl. Add bloomed yeast, warm sugary milk a little bit at a time and mix until dough-like. Then add in lard, and mix for another 10 minutes. After mixing, knead the dough until it is smooth and let it proof for 1 to 1.5 hours.
1. Separate the salted egg yolks, rinse it clean, then steam them for 10 minutes and set aside to cool. Once cooled, crush it until it is spreadable.
2. Sprinkle some milk powder on the butter and dice into small cubes. (The powder keeps the butter from sticking and clumping together).
3. In a mixing bowl, add custard powder, milk powder, diced butter, pork fat, crushed salted egg yolks, sugar and mix until evenly combined.
1. Take the dough out, knead it, then wrap and let it sit for another 10 minutes.
2. Rip a smaller piece of the dough, knead until smooth, roll the dough flat around the thickness of 2 stacked Loonies and cut out squares (you can use a mould to help). You will need 5 squares of dough.
3. Rub some oil to the rectangle mould if you have one, and line it with parchment paper. The oil helps the parchment paper stick to the side of the mould.
4. Place a piece of dough on the bottom of the mould, add 2 scoops of filling and spread it out until it is even. Repeat until you run out of dough pieces and filling.
5. Cut a small piece of salted egg yolk, sprinkle some flour on it and combine until it is not sticky anymore. Roll it flat and cut small diamonds out of it.
6. Score some lines across the top of the dough as cutting guides and place the little yolk diamonds on top of each piece. Poke a few holes, so the cake won’t wrinkle and warp while steaming.
7. Boil water and steam the cake for 20 minutes. Let the cake cool before you cut the cake, or it will slump over.
[ 食材 ]
500g 餅麵粉
50g 糖
250ml 牛奶
5g 依士
5g 發粉
1tsp 猪油
4 鹹蛋黄
120g 奶粉
80g 吉士粉
80g 糖
100g 肥猪肉
20g 牛油
1/2tsp 鹽
[ 制作 ]
1. 㷛熱奶(不需要滾)煮溶糖便可以放置一旁待涼。
2. 用半茶匙糖和少量以上的暖牛奶浸泡依士以激活。
3. 麵粉和發粉過篩加入已激活的依士和逐少加入喛牛奶,搅拌成粉糰狀,加入猪油再搅拌十分鐘,取出粉糰搓至滑身,用保鲜膜包裹放置一至一个半小时。
1. 清洗鹹蛋黄,蒸熟約需十分鐘,待涼後壓碎待用。
2. 灑些奶粉在牛油再切碎(可以避免牛油黏在一起。)
3. 將吉士粉,奶粉,切碎牛油,肥肉,壓碎鹹蛋黃和糖混合和徹底拌匀。
1. 取出粉糰搓壓再包好放置十分鐘。
2. 分開粉糰五等份,先搓至滑身,用木棒碌平約二個硬幤的厚度,用模具切出四方型,共五塊。
3. 模具先搽油鋪上餅紙,油可以固定餅紙方便起模。
4. 先放粉皮在底加二大匙饀料,抹平再加粉皮,重覆至材料用完。
5. 切少許生鹹蛋黃加些麵粉搓壓至不黏手,壓平切出細小菱形作装飾。
6. 榚面平均壓出界缐鋪上菱形装飾,插些小孔疏氣以避免蒸時起皺。
7. 水滾計蒸二十分鐘,待涼透定型才切,完成。
Music/Sound Credits:
Brunch (Prod. by Lukrembo)
Guitar Be-bop3 by Kaponja
Reverse Strum by Niffshack
Blip Plock Pop by Onikage22
5.5.16 by InspectorJ
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