Micro sakura is a type of small / mini plant with pink flowers so it looks attractive if it is made into a bonsai, its roots are also unique and contain artistic value, suitable to be used as an expose root or on the root bonsai. Many gardener friends call the Latin name Malpighia Glabra
In this video I will show you how to form a mini micro sakura bonsai on a rock. Micro Sakura is a miniature bonsai material that can flower beautifully. The long roots are suitable for making shapes on the rock. The media prepared consisted of sand, cocopit, 1:1:1 soil mixed evenly, wire, mountain rock, scissors and pots. Follow the process Tie the micro sakura roots to the rock with bonsai wire Mix the cocopit sand media and the soil evenly, put it in the pot. Enter the micro sakura that has been tied with stones into the pot that has been filled with media until the surface is filled. Cover with moss on the surface of the media. The shape of the micro sakura stems and twigs matches the character of the tree with a bonsai wire wrapped around it. Trim branches that are less evenly distributed and cover the main stem. After trimming the growth of leaves and branches will be evenly distributed according to the desired shape
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How to make a mini sakura micro bonsai on the rock
micro sakurabonsai micro sakuramicro sakura on the rockmicro sakura in the wildmame micro sakurachampion micro sakurabonsaibonsai artbonsai treebonsai minibonsai mamesmall bonsaibonsai materialbonsai bonsai cheapbonsai fansbonsai loverbonsai pasuruanbonsai indonesiabonsai japanbonsai worldHow to make bonsaihow to make mini bonsaibonsai flowerbeautifull bonsaiSakura mikrobonsai sakura mikrobonsai on the rock