Are there still Orcas coming into the Fjords of northern Norway to hunt for the herrings? Will it be much harder to locate them and to see them in the water? Is it worth the effort to go there and swim in the freezing cold waters to get amazed? So many questions before we went out there at the very beginning of the season in late October. And Guys, really … we don’t find the right words … so we made a video about it together with Orcanorway.info.
There are very few open slots this season available with Orcanorway.info. Drop them a line and if you are lucky you might still be able to go ;-)
Special thanks to the most helpful: Olav Magne Strømsholm, Tony Meyer, Pierre Robert de Latour, Christian Back
A spectacular week with a great team: Greg Lecoeur, Lutz Eckardt, Rupert James Martin, Maike Grützediek, Jasmin Kälber, Stella Dielhenn, Iris Dielhenn, Dada Li, Sandy Orka, Macer Racer, Stefan Eichermüller, Christian Back, @Cathy Lacourbas, John Gustafsson, Felise Renkel, Tony Meyer, Pierre Robert de Latour, Olav Magne Strømsholm
A great team with la lot of support: Nauticam USA, OMS - Ocean Management Systems, HECS aquatic, Favre-Leuba, Autel Robotics
Underwater scenes filmed in extreme lowlight conditions with the RED Digital Cinema Gemini 5K in a Nauticam LT housing with a WideAngleConverterPort.
Aerial shots filmed with the fabulous Autel Robotics EVO in 4K, 50fps.
Idea, Camera, Edit: Florian Fischer
Diver: Dada Li
Supported by:
Orca Norway ([ Ссылка ])
Boot Düsseldorf ([ Ссылка ])
Nauticam ( [ Ссылка ] )
OMS ([ Ссылка ])
HECS aquatic ( [ Ссылка ] )
Keldan Lights ( [ Ссылка ] )
BTM Orca Kingdom 4K
orca norwaysnorkeling with orcasorcas in the wildswimming with wild orcasswimming with orcas in the wilddiving with orcas in the wildsnoreling with wild orcasm/S sulaswimming with orcas and humpbackssnorkeling with orcas and humpbacksdiving with orcas and humpbacksorca interaction in norwayorca safari norwayorca trip norwayorca watching norwaybehind the masknauticam low lightunderwater filming