#vojskasrbije #2024 #2025 #globalfirepower #militarystrenght #serbia #serbianarmy #siljapluton #naoruzanje #oruzje #armament #weapons #armija #vojska #army #military
Since the beginning of this channel, which is back in 2016, we have been witnessing the strengthening of the Serbian Armed Forces, which is getting bigger and stronger from year to year, and this is reflected in its ranking according to the criterion of the power of the armies of the world.
Namely, the Serbian Armed Forces are in the 56th place in the world in terms of their power, which is two places better in the ranking list compared to the previous year and is rated as an army that improves its position on this ranking list of the global Firepower portal.
Given that this year there is a significant armament, primarily with new combat and armored vehicles, Chinese air defense missile systems, and the purchase of new multi-purpose combat aircraft, the Serbian Armed Forces will obviously increase its rating in 2025 and probably catch up with the Hungarian Defense Forces, which are now in 54th place in this ranking, so of the countries with which Serbia borders, the Serbian Army will be weaker only than the Romanian Armed Forces.
Since it is already the middle of 2024, it remains to be seen whether the deadlines for the production of new weapons and equipping the Serbian Armed Forces will be met, or, as has been the practice so far, they will be extended and transferred to next year.
I'm going to keep you updated with all the important information from the world of armaments, both domestic and foreign.
Od kada je počeo sa radom ovaj kanal, a to je već davna 2016. godina svedoci smo jačanja Vojske Srbije koja je iz godinu u godinu sve veća i jača, a to se odražava i na njeno rangiranje po kriterijumu moći vojski Sveta.
Naime, Vojska Srbije, je po svojoj moći na 56. mestu vojski sveta, što je za dva mesta bolja pozicija na navedenoj rang listi u odnosu na prethodnu godinu i ocenjena je kao vojska koja poboljšava svoj položaj na ovoj rang listi svetskog portala Global Firepower.
S obzirom da se i ove godine dešava značajno naoružavanje pre svega novim borbeno-oklopnim vozilima, kineskim raketnim sistemima PVO, kupovinom novih višenamenskih borbenih aviona, Vojska Srbije će očigledno i u sledećoj 2025. godini povećati svoj rejting i verovatno dostići mađarske odbrambene snage koje su sada na 54. mestu ove rang liste, pa će od zemalja sa kojima se Srbija graniči srpska vojska biti slabija jedino od Rumunskih oružanih snaga.
Pošto je već polovina 2024. godine ostaje da se vidi da li će rokovi za izradu novog naoružanja i opremanje Vojske Srbije istim biti ispoštovani, ili će se kao što je to i do sada bila praksa biti prolongirani i preneti na sledeću godinu?
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