Established in 2002, The Willow School is an independent K-8 school that celebrates the love of learning within its challenging academic program and embraces educating its students to have an ethical approach to living in harmony with the environment. Earning the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED® (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Platinum certification was important to the school in staying true to these values. The Willow School partnered with Siemens for a new, integrated design and construction of the school's intelligent infrastructure. Siemens delivered and integrated the fire safety, security and building automation systems, allowing the school to have a single point of contact for all of its infrastructure needs. Leveraging the latest technologies as part of the school's green environment also provided a unique learning environment for the students, allowing them to actively participate in conserving energy and living "green" by monitoring and responding to the outside environment and the building's energy usage in the classroom. The Willow School valued Siemens proactive approach as well as their technical expertise and willingness to think progressively. As the school plans for future expansion with a "net-zero building," they look to Siemens as a partner to help them meet their ongoing environmental and educational goals.
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