The Endless Summer is a 1966 American surf documentary film directed, produced, edited and narrated by Bruce Brown. The film follows surfers Mike Hynson and Robert August on a surfing trip around the world.
They travel to the coasts of Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii, Senegal (Dakar), Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa in a quest for new surf spots while introducing locals to the sport along the way.
Enjoy the 1966 doc with only the best surfing scenes and select OST tracks, by the Sandals and Gary Hoey Soundtrack.
00:00 Roy Edwin Willians - Summer of Love
03:00 Finitemusicforge - Secrets in LA
05:27 The Fireballs - Bulldog (Remastered 2018)
07:14 Swinging Blue Jeans - Wasting Time
09:00 The Surf Teens - Longboard Surf
10:50 The Tornadoes - Bustin' Surfboards
13:20 Gary Hoey - Walkin' The Nose
16:30 Gary Hoey - Drive
19:36 - Gary Hoey - The Endless Summer II Theme
All rights belong to creators referenced in Copyright section.
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