The Great War was a documentary series that was first broadcast by the BBC in 1964, which marked the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I. The series consisted of 26 half-hour episodes, each of which covered a different aspect or event of the war. The series was notable for its use of contemporary footage and photographs, as well as its narration by Sir Michael Redgrave.
Episode 8: "The War in Africa": The war in Africa, including the German colonies, the Battle of Tanga, and the East African Campaign.
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BBC's The Great War - Episode 8: "The War in Africa"
Historical DocumentaryWorld War I DocumentaryBritish Military HistoryGlobal Conflict HistoryMilitary TechnologyTrench WarfareBattlefieldsHumanitarianismIndustrializationNationalismColonizationPower StrugglesRemembrance Day HistoryBBC Documentary SeriesAlfred PennyworthThe Great WarWWIHistoryDocumentaryWorld War IInsightfulInformativeEducationalBritish HistoryMilitary HistoryBBCWarPoliticsSocietyRemembranceGlobal ConflictTechnology