안녕하세요 여러분!
오늘은 뻣뻣하게 굳은 몸을 상쾌하게 풀어줄 수 있는 워밍업 루틴을 준비했어요!
아침에 일어나서, 하루 일과 중 몸이 무겁게 느껴질때 또는 근력운동을 하기 전에 해주시면
몸도 시원하게 풀어지고 에너지도 뿜뿜 솟아날 10분 운동이랍니다!
즐겁게 많이 많이 따라해주세요!
This is 10 minutes warm up exercises.
It is the perfect way to start your day.
There are no jumping or intense movements.
You can relax your muscles and get the blood pumping.
Follow this routine in the morning, in the middle of work or before strength training.
You'll feel good and get energy!!
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#workoutwithmizi #warmup #stretching #stretchingexercises #morningroutine #morningworkout
아침을 깨우는 10분 워밍업 운동 - Standing Warm Up Exercises
서서하는서서하는운동다이어트홈트살빼기뱃살복부운동층간소음뛰지않고노점핑notalkingnojumpingworkoutdietstandingabsthighbellyburnfat지방태우기허리무릎옆구리옆구리살다리허벅지엉덩이걷기유산소스트레칭legweightloss근육쉬운왕초보집에서아침저녁전신전신운동stretchstretchesstretchingbeginnerapartmentfriendly준비운동exercisestretching exercisesexercises to lose belly fatwarm upmorning서서하는 운동stretching exercises before workoutstretching exercises for beginnerafter workoutmorning routinemorning workout워밍업붓기아침운동아침 스트레칭