This animated film is based on the worldbestselling book The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer by Sergio Bambaren. It tells the inspiring journey of a young dolphin who dares to follow his dreams, leaving the safety of his pod to explore the unknown in search of a deeper purpose. The story is a beautiful reflection on courage, self-discovery, and the power of listening to one’s heart.
Dive into this moving tale that has touched the lives of readers worldwide and now comes to life in this captivating animation.
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🐬 BOOK: “THE DOLPHIN – STORY OF A DREAMER” (order the book for the film)
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Daniel Alexander Dolphin wants nothing more than to escape from the safe but boring lagoon where he lives with his family and enjoy his life in the vastness of the ocean. He dreams of surfing the huge waves of the sea and living according to his own ideas. So one day he sets out in search of the perfect wave. One night, Daniel is visited by a mysterious manta ray. It tells him about the island of dreams.....
English film rights: Dolphin-Films, CEO Sergio Bambarén Roggero
Title: The Dolphin : The Story of a Dreamer
Year: 2009
Production: Sergio Bambarén Roggero
Direction: Eduardo Schuldt
Screenplay: Michael Wogh, Sergio Bambarén Roggero (book)
Music: Antonio Gervasoni
Sound: Jan Álvarez-Guerra
Production: Dolphin-Films CEO Sergio Bambarén Roggero
© Sergio F. Bambaren Roggero
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