No Credit? Use Secured Credit Card To Rebuild Credit! Looking to Build or Rebuild Credit? You can Rebuild your credit with a secured credit card! Getting a secured credit card was the first thing that I did to rebuild my credit. Understanding credit and how my fico/credit score works really helped me to build my credit.
Duane here with how to build credit tv and in this video I’m going to talk about how you can use a secured credit card to rebuild credit.
SUBSCRIBE for more videos about How To Build Credit, how to get cash back from using credit cards, as well as credit card reviews.
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Not too long ago I was exactly where you are. I was looking for a way to rebuild my credit.
I was tired of my credit, credit score and credit history holding me back. So I started researching different ways to rebuild credit.
These are the exact steps I took to rebuild my credit. My credit score went from 518 to to over 700.
Movie Clip From:
Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood (1996)
No Credit | Get A Secured Credit Card To Build Credit!
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