Sherwood is coming back! Directed by the renowned British filmmaker Clio Barnard, known for her work on "Ali & Ava" and "The Selfish Giant," this upcoming and original fictional tale hails from the talented Nottingham-born writer, Graham. The movie boasts an impressive ensemble cast, featuring David Harewood from "Homeland" and "The Night Manager," Robert Lindsay known for his roles in "Maleficent 2" and "My Family," Monica Dolan of "Black Mirror" and "The Thief, His Wife, and the Canoe," Sharlene Whyte from "Stephen" and "Small Axe," Stephen Dillane recognized for "Game of Thrones" and "Vigil," Ria Zmitrowicz seen in "The Power" and "Three Girls," Aisling Loftus from "The Midwich Cuckoos" and "War and Peace," Robert Emms known for "Andor" and "Chernobyl," Michael Balogun from "Top Boy" and "The Lehman Trilogy," Christine Bottomley featured in "Domina" and "Back To Life," Oliver Huntingdon seen in "The Rising" and "Happy Valley," Jorden Myrie from "Mood" and "The Strays," and Conor Deane known for "All Creatures Great & Small" and "Newark," alongside Bethany Asher from "Wild Bill" and "Mobility."
#spoilertv #sherwood #bbc
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