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Winning by early 1938?
I tried to blend timelapse with commentary in this video, let me know what you think!
Time Stamps included for progress steps
The focus timestamps are included only when there is an option to pick between
The decisions/ Garrisons you need to choose may be different depending on what the AI does
0:00 - Intro
0:18 - Focus 1 | The Popular Front
0:28 - Army & Production
0:41 - Construction & Techs
1:03 - Focus 2 | Secure The Guardia Civil
1:18 - Election Event & Decision 1 | Concessions to the Left
1:42 - Garrison Control Explanation
2:10 - Decision 2 | Concessions to the Left
2:59 - Decision 3 | Political Arrest
3:20 - Challenge Garrison x2
3:40 - Reassign Disloyal Leader & Challenge Garrison
4:25 - Decision 4 | Imprison Primo de Rivera
4:38 - Challenge Northern Garrison x3
5:04 - Decision 5 | Political Arrest
5:10 - Challenge Garrison x2
5:22 - Decision 6 | Reassign Disloyal Leader & Challenge Garrison x3
5:54 - Challenge Garrison
5:59 - Challenge Western Garrison
6:09 - Decision 7 (Optional) | Secure Leader Loyalty & Challenge Western Garrison x2
6:32 - Civil War Time
6:53 - Event Pick | ...Which, through communal revolutionary struggle, we will win!
7:02 - Focus 3 | Appropriate the Means of Production/ Continue onto Arm The People
7:25 - Front Lines Solidify
8:05 - Focus 4 | The Maximum Concession
8:20 - Division Template
8:36 - Focus 5 | Seize the Gold Reserves
8:56 - Focus 6 | Shared Burdens
9:08 - Focus 7 | Agrarian Collectivization
9:17 - Focus 8 | Autogestión
9:30 - Anarchist Uprising
10:18 - Military Staff | Infantry Military Council & Offensive Military Council
10:42 - Focus 9 | Seize Public Transport
10:49 - Focus 10 | Mujeres Libres
11:04 - Collectivization And Workers Control
11:12 - End of War and Resistance Squashing (You need 35% Compliance as well)
12:00 - Outro and end, Thanks for watching!
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Coloured Buttons: [ Ссылка ]
Non Reflective Water: [ Ссылка ]
Strategic View Adjustments: [ Ссылка ]
HOI4 Guide | Anarchist Spain Winning The War
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