Master a real-world Procreate & Sketchup for iPad workflow. Learn more: [ Ссылка ]
GIVE DRAWING TO SCALE A TRY! Download a free 1/4" Grid, Ruler and FF&E template here: [ Ссылка ]
When there isn't enough time for photo realistic digital renderings but you still need to present your design concept, you can use a combination of Sketchup, Procreate app, Apple Pencil and iPad Pro to create sketch renderings that wow your client and leave your design options open.
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Watch Free "3 Secrets of iPad Drawing" Webinar:
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My name is James Akers and the name of my business is Akers Architectural Rendering. I'm a registered architect and full-time professional renderer, and my mission is to help architects, interior designers and students master their design and digital rendering skills in Procreate. You can find more design tutorials and inspiration for architects at the links below.
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5 Sketchup To Procreate Workflows That ^ Wowed ^ Clients
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