A funny song for kids/children/teens by Bryant Oden, who did "The Duck Song", Best Friends Forever, Tarantulas, Bob the Snail, The Color Song and more funny songs for kids/children/teens. iTunes: [ Ссылка ]
On the CD of 40 songs: "The Songdrops Collection, Vol. 1."
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By Bryant Oden, who did the duck song, I got a pea, Bob the Snail, Best Friends Forever, This Song is Stuck Inside my head, The CBA Song, Please Don't Pee in the Pool, The Shortest Song, and more funny songs.
The Stinkbug and the Skunk is a fun little kids song about an over-confident skunk a little too full of himself, and a stinkbug that puts him in his place. After all, just because you're bigger doesn't mean you're better. If you aren't as big as some other kids, you might like this. By Bryant Oden.
FUNNY SONG for kids: The Stinkbug and the Skunk
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