Symphonic Dark Metal from Sarov, Russia. This track is taken from their 2006 Demo. For more information, please visit the website below. Thanks for watching.
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2013 - For promotional purposes only, I do not own this album. I want to promote Symphonic/Melodic/Gothic Black metal by showing great bands. If the record label or band wish for me to delete this video then please send me a message and I shall remove it straight away. Thank you.
Morpheus - Во власти тьмы
MorpheusSarovSymphonicBlackMetalRussiaчерных металловSympho MetalStigmaticChoruscradle of FilthCarachAngrenEmperorWelicorussBlackthornGravewormMelodic MetalNightwishNoxArcanaDimmuBorgirBehemothEpicaFleshgodApocalypseSepticFleshMoonspellRottingChristMardukGorgorothBurzumSlayerRussian MusicNaglfarIllnath 2013