A very heavy Crash for a Seat Leon during a Vrij Rijden Trackday at Circuit Zandvoort. The driver managed to get out okay after the incident. The marshall that was supposed to stand at post 9 was sitting in his car while the accident happened, because of this it took him a lot of time to react to the incident
Sadly my video editor didnt want to work so I wasn't able to put any slomo's or aftermath shots with it
Hard Crash Seat Leon Circuit Zandvoort
Big Crash Seat Leon ZandvoortSeat Leon Crash ZandvoortVrij rijden CrashBig Crash ZandvoortHeavy Crash ZandvoortHeavy Vrij rijden CrashBig Crash Circuit ZandvoortTouristenfarhten CrashSeat Ibiza Crash ZandvoortHard Crash Seat Ibiza ZandvoortCrash & Action Vrij RijdenCrashes & Action Vrijrijden ZandvoortTouristenfarthen