AA Daily Reflections October 17th Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer Meditation Inspirational Motivational.
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Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. ... there primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
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Hi, my name is Mathew and I'm in recovery.
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The KISS Principle
"I picked up my first drink at 17 and thought I had found the elixer of life. Had a tough childhood: hospitals, sexual abuse, changing schools... I felt like a total misfit. Blackouts came with the first drink and became par for the course. Then came hangovers with a horrible mix of alcohol and green bile. I changed to spirits from beer as I wanted the effect quicker. I soon progressed to Pure 40% spirits to get the effect even more rapidly. Soon after came the club scene and my addiction to gambling. This combined with the blackouts was a recipe for disaster. Some 6 years in my driver's license along with a good job were gone. I moved to Queensland with my brother and sister in law. My drinking continued with short times of abstinence. I needed more and more alcohol to keep a bare existence. I moved to Brisbane after 18 months. I had periods of abstinence forced on me by my friends I lived with. I struggled to find work and if I did, it would not last due to my drinking. I went to AA on and off. A few members took some interest in me. I eventually put down alcohol for maybe a year or more. I was to meet a lovely lady in alanon who was to be my wife. We married in September 1989. All in all it was not a good relationship. December of that year I started drinking again. I nibbled for some weeks then on the 23rd of December came a huge all day and most of the night bender. Half drunk and very ill from a hangover, I managed to make it home. My wife's words: "What a lovely Christmas presant." I missed work that day with the boss depending on me. I was to return to AA on and off. Now please don't take this wrong. I am a big man with the program. But I go for months and don't go then go back. I have been through 2 break ups with my wife and her passing 2 years ago. Then failing health and bankruptcy. But I have not drank. Today for me life is simple but good. I am on my own in a nice granny flat and survive on government benefits. I do 3 days of voluntary work to keep my benefits. I have my group of friends from my church to help. I spend Sundays with them and other times also. But if I am honest what more could I wish for. I may not have a lot of money. However I have almost 29 years of sobriety. No amount of money can buy that. I have my friends. I am healthy all in all.
TO DO:Just for today, don't drink. That is all. The saying is "Keep it simple stupid." This applies to drugs, gambling, and any addiction. Get and give help, preferably at a group support meeting.
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