This video was taken in Kriya Babaji Ashram in Klang. The performance titled VENU GAANA LOLAA started with Mahaa Ganapathim and followed by Thiruvaasagam set in Raaga Mohanam (In this video)....
Chong Chiu Sen is a disciple of the legend (late) Padma Vibhushan Smt. D.K. Pattammal & he continued under her grand-daughter, shishya-parampara Smt. Gayathri Sundararaman.
He learnt voice culture for a period of time from Sri Madurai G.S. Mani.
He has a few tutors for his devotional and classical singing there are:-
The late Smt. Vijayalakshmi Kulaveerasingam
Smt Bharathi Sharma
Sri Sampagodu Vighnaraja to polish up his singing.
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