This week on Sundays With Sully, its a long one! This week we are going to show you step by step on how the new Navioncs Vision +, works and how to get these charts into your MFD. So grab a coffee and check it out and let us know what you think.
Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of Sundays with Sully. Thank you, guys for tuning in. If you haven't done so already, hit the subscribe button and the like button share and tell your friends about us. We appreciate everybody following to stay in the know with the latest Marine tip techs and trends. We got a whole lot of stuff as we're rolling into spring of 22 here and you're going to want to stay up to date and see the latest, coolest stuff we've got going on in the house here. So what are we talking about today on Sundays with Sully? We're talking about the Navionics vision plus charting into our Garmin MFDs. And this is going to apply to the Garmin 43 series, so the 743 943 1243 series is going to be for your Garmin 8600 series from what is that, 10 12, 16, 17, 22, 24 that's what this is going to apply to. And this can be purchased as a SD card right here or can be purchased through the Active Captain App as a one time purchase. And then it's an auto renew subscription and you can download your charts. So if you don't want to mail, you don't want to wait all that stuff, you can do it right from the app. So before we get too deep into all of this, we're going to work off a couple basic assumptions for this is how this is all going to work. First and foremost, you need to be running version 26.2 as a minimum software. You also need to already have an active captain app, whether that's on your iPad, your iPhone, your tablet, whatever your device is, you need to have that active captain app. And assuming your active captain app has been linked to your MFD, that means you know how to turn on the Wi-Fi for your MFD. That means this system has now talk back and forth. It's been registered and it's all been set up. So those are all the baseline assumptions we're going to work with here before we go forward. If you don't have any of those things then go find the next video that talks about how to set up your active captain and all of that. So, all right. We're going to talk in particular about buying this. You buy this, it comes in this really nice package and we got a nice slide out sleeve. And inside of here is a 32 gig SD card and it's got a removable micro SD card in it. If you're working with the743 943 1243 the 8610 through 8616 they all have a micro SD card reader on the back side to that little rubber flap. So you can put that card in there. If you have a 17, 22 or 24, you should have an external card reader somewhere in your system and that's what you're going to be working with. So if you've already set up your active captain. That means you have an active captain card already. It's a little 8 gig, card comes with the unit. You're going to want to take that card, get rid of it, don't use it. It's done. You take it home, format it, do whatever you want with it. You're going to take that 32 gig card and you're going to take that 32 gig card and put it into the unit. And you're going to set that as your active captain card. When you set it, it's going to ask, do you want to format it or skip? Skip, do not format. You want to skip that step. It will then make it your active captain card. You're now going to have to sync your whatever your device is to this redownload your active captain on to that card. The whole reason I'm saying that is that eight gig card is going to fill up very quickly with the way that current software is set up. For whatever reason, it is not writing to that 32 gig card. I'm sure Garmin is seeing this frustration across the board. They will rectify this. But for right now, take that 32 gig card, slam it in there, and save yourself some frustration. Once you have all that done, once you've done the active captain, you come into your MFD and you look and it tells us the you know, you've got your green arrows and everything and everything's looking nice. Nice. You can then take your unit and so your device has been signed into it. It now knows that there is a subscription for that chart card and you now have the ability to go ahead and download charts. So now we've got our charts here on the screen. As we kind of zoom in a little bit, you'll start to see that it is grayed out in a certain area. And now what this is going to do, because we are offline meaning or rather we are online, we're offline from this. This is going to go ahead and start downloading the charts for the lower Cape Cod Bay area here. Normally you'd go through and you'd highlight it, but guess what, guys? Sometimes it just starts grabbing and downloading these charts. So we're going to go ahead and let this guy do its thing here and download those charts.
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