House Manderly stands out among the other noble houses of the north of Westeros, with their origins far to the south in the lush green reach. Due to this, a lot of there customs are southern and they worship the faith of the seven rather than the old gods of the north. House Stark of Winterfell gave them land in the north after they were forced out of their own land in the reach. On the land granted to them, they have built the norths only true city and port in white harbour. House Manderly is very loyal to the Starks after they helped them in there time of need and even in the main books they play a key role in avenging the Red Wedding.
The following link is for all the art that I use, if you see an image in this video a link to the source of it will be there and the name of the artist if its possible to find.
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Thumbnail art by cabepfir (see google doc)
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