The Inland Vessels Bill, 2021. The bill to promote economical and safe transportation and trade through inland waters, to bring uniformity in application of law relating to inland waterways and navigation within the country, to provide for safety of navigation, protection of life and cargo, and prevention of pollution that may be caused by the use or navigation of inland vessels, to ensure transparency and accountability of administration of inland water transportation, to strengthen procedures governing the inland vessels, their construction, survey, registration, manning, navigation and such other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, as passed by Lok Sabha, be taken into consideration.
Mahesh Poddar's Remarks | The Inland Vessels Bill, 2021
Minister Sarbananda SonowalInland Vessels Bill2021Inland Vessels Act1917transportationtradeinland waterslawbillswaterwaysnavigationcargopollutioninland vesselsinland water transportationwater transportationconstructionsurveymanningregistration of vesselssafe carriage of goods and passengersshipsboatssailing vesselscontainer vesselsferriescrewownersoperatorsNavigation safetynavigation hazardaccidentsprevention of pollution