These fans is located in a restaurant
Here is Niko NK-562 Industrial ceiling fan and Gmc BM-503 Industrial ceiling fans Niko is off and I turned it on high speed Niko has a perfume attached to its upper canopy Gmc is running on medium speed and blows decent amount air anyway
Niko NK-562 Industrial ceiling fan
I Give This Fan Rating 10/10 for the airflow
I Give This Fan Rating 5/10 for the design
I Give This Fan Rating 5.5/10 for the quality
Grade rating = B+
Gmc BM-503 Industrial ceiling fan
I Give This Fan Rating 8/10 for the airflow
I Give This Fan Rating 5/10 for the design
I Give This Fan Rating 5/10 for the quality
Grade rating = B-
The Ceiling Fan Lover 2.0 ceiling fan ratings
⭐= best ceiling fan
A =great
A- =average great
B+=Very good
B = Good
B-= average good
C+= Okay
C = Pretty bad
C- = Awful
F+ = Very awful
F = Total Garbage
F- = Useless
👎= Worst Ceiling fan ever made
UBC+ = Useless but Cool+
UBC = Useless but Cool
UBC- = Useless but Cool-
NA = Not avaliable
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