In this episode we will be making an advanced ban command with a confirmation step make sure to join my coding server if you need any support Pu1s3 Coding: [ Ссылка ], In the next video we will be making an advanced unban command with a confirmation step
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0:00 Intro
0:18 Upgrade.Chat
1:58 Coding
25:54 Testing/Debugging
28:15 Outro
#4 | Discord.js(v14) - Advanced Ban Command | 2024 New
discord.js ban commanddiscord.js command handlerdiscord.js v14 ban commanddiscord.js ban command with reasonban command discord.js v13ban command discord.jsunban command discord.js v13slash commandsdiscord.js unban commandban and unban command discord.jsdiscord.js v14 kick commandban commanddiscord slash commandsdiscord.js commands handlerdiscord.js ban command v12command handlerunban command discord.js v12unban command discord.js