"Surya Lok Prapti Ke Liye Saptmi Tithi Ko Karen Ye Daan."
The Bhavishya Purana is one of the eighteen major Puranas genre of Sanskrit literature in Hinduism. The title Bhavishya means "future" and implies it is a work that contains prophecies regarding the future.
The first part of the Bhavisya Purana is called Brahmaparvan. The Brahmaparvan part of the Bhavishya Purana includes a 169 chapters compendium of Surya (Sun god) related literature, that overlaps with Zoroastrianism-related views. This Sun-related sections are a notable and important part of the Bhavishya Purana, and it may be related to the migration or interaction between people of Persia and central Asia with those in Indian subcontinent.
The second part of the text, called Madhyamaparvan, is a Tantra-related work.
The fourth part of the text called Uttaraparvan, is also known as Bhavishyottara Purana. This last part describes festivals related to various Hindu gods and goddesses and their Tithis (dates on lunar calendar), as well as mythology and a discussion of Dharma particularly vrata (vow) and dana (charity). The text also has many Mahatmya chapters on geography, travel guide and pilgrimage to holy sites such as Uthiramerur, and is one of the Tirtha-focussed Puranas.
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