Sean and Eoin Farrell were on the hunt for a new slurry tanker. They got in contact with Grass Technology and ordered a GT2300 tanker, and within a few weeks they had it sitting in their yard. They bought it with the FundEquip Scheme, which partners with some of the co-ops and Finance Ireland which means the payment comes out of the farmers milk check for 8 months of the year. This makes them eligible for the LESSE grant. Hear what they have to say about the scheme and service Grass Technology provides.
Paying for a Slurry Tanker For EIGHT MONTHS of the Year!
grass technologyfarmerfarmflixgrassmengrass mentom Pembertonfarmer Philfather PhilJohn downeydiet feedercowsgrass to milkgrasstomilkzero grazerzero grazingJim barrongrass dietrobotsgrass techdairycattle Zero grazingBeef farmingDairy industryAgricultural innovationGrass Technology LtdProductivityEfficiencySustainable farmingLivestock managementLand utilizationRedrockHi specSlurrykatslurry katslurrytanker