Close on the heels of the recent incident in Rajasthan's Nagaur where two Dalits were tortured for allegedly stealing money, another similar incident has come to fore in the state's Barmer where a youth was mercilessly beaten and a rod allegedly inserted into his private parts on suspicion of theft. Police officials, however, said that main accused Moti Singh was arrested on Friday soon after the video went viral on Thursday. The incident occurred last month. The victim's brother, lodged a complaint in Barmer rural police station on Thursday soon after the video went viral through which they received the information about their brother's torture. He said that he spoke to his brother, who informed him that on January 29, he was abducted and locked up in a hotel room where he was falsely charged with theft and brutally beaten. He was forced to drink liquor and an iron rod was inserted into his private parts and Rs 4,800 was taken out of his pocket. The accused filmed the entire episode and later on made it viral.
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Edited By: Mannu Baghel
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