Ahead of Disney Television Animation's 40th Anniversary in December and the debut of it's 100th series "StuGo" created by Ryan Gillis, i decided to make a new tribute to studio's past, present and future.
This is also a tribute to the wonderful artists, writters and storyboarders at the studio over the 40 years who are now fighting more than ever in the upcoming Animation Guild negotiations againts companies like Disney using A.I in the workplace and avoiding overwork and get fair payment, support the rally on August 10.
MEGA, MEGA Whoosh by Sean Charmatz, Very Important House by Jenny Goldberg and Jhonen Vasquez and Katz Café by Cheyenne Curtis are in this reel beacuse despite being passed and not being Disney shows as of yet, i consider them as part of the Disney family.
When You Wish Upon A Star (Epic Version) by Baltic House Orchestra
#DisneyTVA #DisneyTVA40 #DisneyTVA100
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