Here's the next video in my Half-Life 1 alpha series. This one shows a complete walktrhough of the entire demo levels, like Techdemo.
This is pretty interesting, in that it shows that some of the screenshots we thought were part of actual levels were made for demonstration purposes. There's also proof that this level was based on an earlier build of the game, as the Scientist and Panthereye models are different compared to the Scientist and Panthereye models in the rest of the level and alpha. The crate textures also appear nowhere else in the alpha.
Half-Life 1 Alpha - Tech demo full playthrough
half-lifehalf lifehalflifehalf life 1betaalphaprototype1997black mesaivan the space bikerivanglockpistolmp5smgheadcrabhoundeyescientiststairslabresearchdeletedscrappedremovedgonelevelmapglassmodeltestdemohigh polysoldiermarineminigunassaulthuman gruntgruntbullsquidcomputerwateralienalient gurntslavealien slavevortigaunttechdemotechnologybullchickenvending machinecratetentaclesilodemomaindemo