Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee Umayr al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) is undoubtedly one of the greatest scholars of this generation. In an era when ahlul-bid'ah had found newer ways of infiltrating and corrupting the methodology and beliefs of the youth of ahlus-Sunnah, this Imaam of the Sunnah stood up to uphold the creed of the Salaf. He, more than any other in this time, has uncovered and exposed misguided groups and sects who violate the pure Sunnah of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wassallam) and his Companions.
Not only that, but he is an Imaam in hadeeth, usool and fiqh who has authored dozens of books that have been praised and recommended by the great scholars of era.
However, there is no scholar in this time who has been more maligned than Shaikh Rabee'! Why? The more he uncovered the paths of misguidance, the more the sectarians attacked and reviled him. In this tremendous lecture by our brother Abu Khadeejah, not only does he discuss Shaikh Rabee' as a Scholar, but also he talks about the principles established by the early great scholars of the early Salaf in testing the people and their love for the Scholars to establish their Salafiyyah.
Abu Khadeejah reads the words of praise for Shaikh Rabee' from the great scholars such as Ibn Baaz, Ibn Uthaimeen, and al-Albaanee. Furthermore, Shaikh Rabee' defends himself from those who state that he is harsh. Also included is Shaikh Rabee's discussion with Shaikh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) when the latter stated that there is something with Shaikh Rabee' of harshness -- and Shaikh al-Albaanee's subsequent clarification.
This is a must listen for those who love the scholars and for those deceived by the adversaries of Shaikh Rabee' b. Haadee.
Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhalee - Ustaadh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid
Abu KhadeejahRabee Al-Madkhali (Influence Node)maktabah salafiyyahsalafi publicationsImam ahmad ibn hanbalImam abu hanifaIbn bazUthaymeenImam shahfiImam MalikMalik Ibn Anas (Philosopher)Shafi'i (School Of Thought)Hanbali (School Of Thought)Abū Ḥanīfa (Founding Figure)Muqbil Bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i (Deceased Person)Ibn Taymiyyah (Author)Abu hakeem bilal davisAbu idreesAbu iyaadSalafiyyahal albaaniBukahriMuslimMadkhaleeMadkhali