Let's Focus On Healing Corn Allergy is a brief, enlightening discussion Kaylee shared about her positive results to Dr. Herman's unique corn allergy elimination process. And no, this is not NAET and not allergy pills or common allergy treatments most people have tried. Eliminating the "allergy" takes a much better understanding of various tissues of the brain and digestive tract and immune system than what other methods have to offer.
"Allergies" must be thought about in another manner than what the common idea is about "allergies".
"Allergies" can be kept complicated or made really simple to understand.
Here is the reality: the person's body is hypersensitive to foods, spices and/or other allergens like pollen, etc. The hypersensitivity is caused by the person's body is overwhelmed due to chronic hidden infections and hidden toxins in parts of the person's brain and or body.
When Dr. Herman helps you detect which tissues, with which specific infections, are linked to the body's stress response to the corn and then he helps you enhance your body's ability to safely and effectively eliminate those specific infections from the exact tissues ...this is the time you, like Kaylee shared in this video, you can stop suffering from these so-called "allergies". Your body will finally settle down and live and feel normal again.
You deserve it. Get well. Be done with your "allergies".
You can either Take Action Now and contact Dr. Herman's clinic at 954-370-3100 or by email at Clinic@DrLonnieHerman.com so you can get started healing yourself...Or...you can wait, while you continue to deal with your allergies, for Dr. Herman to share with you, in an upcoming video, exactly what Kaylee's exam findings were that he discovered with his unique exam process...which then helped him provide her the right healing protocol...so she could finally stop the horrible symptoms she suffered when she was around corn.
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