Recently the time limit for WhatsApp videos became 2 minutes 50 seconds. I challenged my favorite musician Prince Rama Varma whether he could sing a song completely within this short time, but Without Sounding Hurried or speeding things up!
The outcome was this stunning series of exquisite videos that Varma ji made on his phone, almost in a single sitting, which I am happy to share with you now, one by one.
In this video, Varma ji sings select stanzas from the beautiful Sindhubhairavi Song in Tamil on Lord Sri Rama by Varadadasa Sri M.D.Ramanathan. Though Varma ji could easily have wound up within the 2:50 time limit, he wished to include two beautiful stanzas which are normally not sung (including one with the composer's signature "Varadadasa") and thus ended up exceeding the time limit by a few seconds here.
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