In a shocking revelation, Natti Kumar, the popular film producer, has made explosive comments about Revanth Reddy concerning the controversial Sandhya Theatre Revathi incident. The comments have sparked a wave of reactions across social media and political circles. Kumar, known for his candid and bold statements, has shed light on the ongoing drama, questioning Revanth Reddy's involvement and offering his own perspective on the matter. This incident has been the subject of much debate, with multiple viewpoints emerging. Watch the full video for all the details and insights. #teluguone #alluarjun #NattiKumar #RevanthReddy #SandhyaTheatre #RevathiIncident #PoliticalControversy #TeluguCinema #SocialMediaReactions #PoliticalDrama #NattiKumarComments #RevanthReddyControversy #CinemaNews
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