Bengaluru Commuter Rail is a proposed suburban rail network for Bangalore which was first approved in the 2019 Railway Budget. On 1st February 2020, finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman mentioned in her budget that the project would be implemented at cost of Rs 18,600 crores. While the central government would provide 20% of the equity and facilitate external assistance up to 60 percent of the project cost.
The suburban rail services existed for HAL employees to commute from City Railway station to Vimanapura Railway station in 1963. However, a modern suburban rail system for Bangalore was first proposed in 2007. The proposal called for 10 routes totaling 204.0 km. The principal advantage of the system, according to the Rail Indian Technical and Economic Services (RITES), is that commuter rail costs less than rapid transit systems. It costs ₹ 150–200 million per kilometre for a commuter rail system, while metro rail would cost ₹ 2.50 billion and monorail ₹ 1.75 billion per km.
Camera: Nikon B500
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VIDEO BY: - Mukesh kumar pandey
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